Real Estate Listing Agent & Broker Order Form *Please CALL for FSBO, Short Term Rental, Air BnB & other commercial rates 404-368-2217
Property Info *If basement is to be included in photos, basement sqft must be included in total property Sqft.
Notice: No Photographers service this location
Zip Code*
Square Feet*
We could not map this address. Please click on the map to set the precise location.Once the address and location have been verified, click the "Confirm Address" button located below the map.The location is currently being confirmed. Thank you.
Select Discounted Bundled Packages
Package 1 Basic Plus & Aerial Photos
   *saves up to 6% as bundled
- Interior & Exterior Photos (Qty shown below)    (Luxury premium photo service included FREE)
- Aerial Photos (up to 10 images)
   *All aerial sessions subject to FAA airspace approval
Package 2 Luxury Photo & Video
   *saves up to 16% as bundled
- Interior & Exterior Photos (Qty shown below)
- Aerial Photos (up to 10 images)
- Walkthrough Video w/Aerial (1-2 mins)
- FREE Full Marketing Kit    *All aerial sessions subject to FAA airspace approval
Package 3 Premium (The Works)
   *saves up to 20% as bundled
- Interior & Exterior Photos (Qty shown below)
- Aerial Photos (up to 10 images)
- Walkthrough Video w/Aerial (1-2 mins)
- 2D Floor Plan
- Community Amenities Photos (5-7 images)
- FREE Full Marketing Kit    *All aerial sessions subject to FAA airspace approval
Community Amenities
Pool, clubhouse, tennis courts, entryway, etc.    *Subject to Property Management approval.
Premium advanced lighting on all rooms, window views. Luxurious appeal. Highly recommended for larger or luxury homes or for stylish smaller properties.
Economy package for basic listings or homes on a tighter marketing budget. Ideal for unfurnished homes. Natural light basic HDR photography, limited window exposures.
Please select an appointment date & time. *ON SITE time projections are approximate and may vary slightly based on the individual property. We do NOT charge extra for weekends.
Account Information
Referral Code
Project Details
Is the property furnished or vacant?
Will homeowner be present at time of shoot?
Are we including basement photos? *Please ensure basement sqft is included in the total property sqft above.
Please list the 3 desired rooms of choice for luxury lighting as part of your BASIC PLUS photo selection. (ex: master suite, dining area, etc)
Total sqft reviewed for accuracy? *If sqft is understated, pricing may be adjusted during invoicing.
Additional Information
Please enter any additional details (i.e. gate code, lockbox, home features to ensure we capture or ignore, etc.)
(NOTE: This option is only displayed to team members, not clients)
Real Estate listing Terms of Service *CALL for Rental, Air BnB & other commercial rates
Appointment Scheduling & Cancellations: - Upon appointment scheduling confirmation, Client agrees in full to the AJC Imagery Terms of Service - Client assures property owner approval providing photographer's authorization to access property both interior and exterior buildings and structures for photography and/or video marketing purposes. - Cancellation and/or rescheduling of appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled time for any reason will result in a $50 fee. - Always review weather forecasts in advance for timely rescheduling. It is recommended to reschedule in the event of rain predictions; however shoots can still be accomplished during cloudy days & we will do our very best to do so. It is at the discretion of the Client to proceed with the appointment and if for any reason the session cannot be completed in full once on site, an additional $100 re-trip fee will be applied. - Unexpected weather events affecting the session will be handled at the discretion of AJC Imagery. - Finished basements & detached buildings must be included in total square footage & may be adjusted during invoicing if omitted. - Total Sqft must be reviewed for accuracy prior to order. If sqft is understated, pricing may be adjusted during invoicing. - Client agrees & understands that all content provided is digital only and all images and media created are at the Photographer's artistic discretion and due to the custom nature of commercial photography & videography, digital files cannot be returned and all money paid is nonrefundable.
Property Preparation: - It is the Realtor and/or homeowner's responsibility to properly prepare the home for photo-ready condition prior to photographer arrival. Please refer to our PROPERTY PREP CHECKLIST for recommendations. The expectation is that the property will be photographed as-is. Photographer is not responsible for cleaning, changing light bulbs, moving furniture, etc., although items may be adjusted slightly to improve photo composition. - It is understood by all parties that various equipment will be used and maneuvered throughout the property and that Client will hold AJC Imagery personnel harmless for damage, personal injury, or loss resulting from such equipment and activity. - If the property is not accessible or photo-ready at arrival such that the session cannot proceed, an additional re-trip fee of $100 will be added to the new appointment. If canceled in full, client will be charged the full original price of the session. If client requests session continue, yet requires additional prep time and photographer's schedule permits, additional fees may apply.
Payment Terms & Delivery: - Full payment is required at appointment arrival & prior to delivery of content via electronic credit card payment at download. This includes if property is sold or removed from market within this time frame. - All content delivered within 24-48 hours of appointment completion. - Upon full payment receipt, Client is granted use of images according to the AJC Imagery LICENSING AGREEMENT.
Licensing Agreement: - Upon payment in full, this licensing agreement grants Client the non-transferable, non-assignable, and non-exclusive license to use images and media only for the purpose of marketing and advertising the specific property for sale in conjunction with an MLS service and their own personal business in electronic or printed form only for the duration of the property listing. License is limited to the property listing with the current contracting realtor/agent and only until the property is sold, transferred to another agent or broker, or listing is terminated. Licensing of digital photos and other media is not for permanent use and any subsequent use would violate Georgia state sales tax law. No other use of images is permitted without further licensing. - No other persons, 3rd parties, such as builders, stagers, sellers, buyers, or designers, may use images & must be referred to AJC Imagery directly for additional licensing requests. This includes the transfer of listing to other agents, brokers, or FSBO. - AJC Imagery retains full copyright and intellectual property rights to all images and media delivered to Client and reserves the right to use any produced media for advertising, display, publication, portfolio, or other purposes. - AJC Imagery does not guarantee retention of session images past 90 days from the date of delivery.